The LEARNING Game - opdag, hvordan du eller I lærer med gør-det-selv kort og metoder

DKK 375,00  u/Moms

Play with how you learn

The Learning Game: Boxed game with 140 colored cards. Comes with an instruction for six methods of playing. This game is only in english.

The Learning Game
The intent of this game is to contribute to improving the opportunities and experiences associated with learning and development. These include formal study, course or training-situations but also to learning in the workplace as well as the everyday life.

Learning and development play an important role in our society. All sorts of changes take place rapidly. People will need to develop themselves continually to keep up with these changes. Nowadays lifetime-learning is required in all areas of life.

The starting point in the game is the five factors that play a role in creating an optimal learning-experience:

  • Learning motivation (24 cards) : Why do I study? i.e.: ‘become (more) skilled in a certain area’.
  • Approaches to learning (19 cards): How do I prefer to learn? i.e.: ‘I learn by doing it myself’.
  • Learning skills (51 cards): What skills do I need to be able to learn effectively? To what extent do I already posses these skills? i.e.: ‘Distinguish between the significant and the trivial’.
  • Learning conditions (41 cards): What conditions and what support do I need to learn in as pleasant a way as possible? To what extent are these needs met? i.e.: ‘Structured and comprehensible educational material’.
  • Learning obstacles (27 cards): Who or what is preventing me from learning? i.e.: ´I feel insecure when faced with new things to learn’.

Depending on the context, greater or lesser emphasis can be laid on one or more of these factors, on its own or in combination with others.

Possibilities for application
The Learning Game is a useful aid for any person who wants to gain insight into how their own learning process works and who or what play an important role in the process.

Also it is suitable for professionals working with, or responsible for, the learning process of others i.e.: teachers, trainers, coaches, social workers and managers.

Peter Gerrickens, Marijke Verstege and Zjev van Dun


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