FISH! is a make or break for the culture

A well-functioning team is based on the quality of the individuals who have committed themselves. The FISH! philosophy invites everyone to join with passion, energy and creativity - something that already exists inside everyone of us. When individuals choose to bring the best of themselves on the job, it will lead to infinite excellence.

If you want more than a 1 day of streaming, click LINK, where you can order a USB stick, a 1 year of streaming and various starter packs with FISH!


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The FISH! Starter Kit provides all the tools you need to plan and lead a great kickoff and keep on staying focused on your FISH! culture.

€ 1,069.05  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

FISH! book: Create or recreate the culture you wish to have in your organisation with extraordinary inspiration from The FISH! Philosophy.  Attitude is everything. A proven way to boost morale and improve results.

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Price from
€ 26.27  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Use this film FISH! as an antidote to cynicism, depression, burnout and anger. Use it with your leaders, your service staff or your team. It's not about the job you do but about HOW you do it.

€ 103.89  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

A feelings talk: EMOJI Cards are a colourful set of 54 cards which portray a range of emotions from happy, sad, angry and confused. A useful tool for processing or to help people explain which feelings that host amounts of positive energy.

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 10 %

€ 63.67  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Asking and answering questions helps build rapport, camaraderie, and understanding. Sharing information builds relationships and fosters trust. The What Makes You YOU? Thumball is loaded with 32 'what?' questions to help players learn more about the people around them and dig a little deeper than typical, superficial icebreakers questions.

Price from
€ 47.59  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Carry your burden with a smile: A simple bag to collect all your FISH! materials and great intentions in.

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 8 %

€ 13.14  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

FISH! is a process. Not a destination. Therefore, it is good to have a solid tool bag. You don't know for sure which way the process goes and what areas you have to go through.

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 5 %

€ 29.92  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

An important part of keeping something alive is to proclaim it. If it is not official and visible, it does not exist. It helps all employees to watch the many posters, banners, signs and images. Then they are reminded of their own attitude, behavior and approach.

€ 5.36  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

When you have decided to raise the barr for teamworking don't ever miss a FISH! seminar day for your wonderfull team. They have deserved it.

Price from
€ 1,739.30  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

We help you finding your own solution. We do this through various types of conversation exercises. The conversations will lead from challenge to decision making.

€ 335.13  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

A playfull book for serious participants about getting a vision to stick. If you want to keep your values alive, you must persistently add blended learning to your learning journey.

€ 13.41  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

When disaster strikes and your speaker does not turn up, call us by phone +45 71 92 55 63 and order an acute and emergency presenter.

Call for price
+45 71 92 55 63

14% Off
0 reviews

Become a fan of FISH! with three FISH! books in a bundle. When 12 fishmongers can become extraordinary your own team can too.

€ 77.08  Excl. VAT
€ 89.55  Excl. VAT
You save: € 12.47
0 reviews

A remarkable way to achieve your dreams. Millions of people around the world have already used the bestselling FISH! books and films to improve the way they work and the way they create relationships to colleagues, friends and family.

€ 31.64  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

FISH! TALES is about putting the FISH! philosophy into PLAY in 12 weeks. How about that?

€ 31.64  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

FISH! the guide gives you insight, tips, tricks, ideas, stories, exercises, test and plans. All because you should be dressed up for your FISH! presentations.

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 13 %

€ 50.27  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Stop and think: It is a deep human need that we, on our journey through life, need to stop every now and then to assess and compare the plans and wishes that we had for the future.

€ 117.43  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Use this exercise as a starter or an icebreaker. Everyone needs to warm up their voices and their choice of words.

€ 10.05  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

FISH! pen: Every time you click the pen a new FISH! practice pops up in the window. Each click will guide you in your personal choice all day through: Choose your attitude. Be there. Play. Make their day.

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 11 %

€ 2.28  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

'The Person of the Year' is an appreciative exercise by the book. Everyone will be involved. Everyone will be recognized. Order this exercise here and receive Handout (in your mail box) and 6 foam trophies (in your mailbox).

€ 46.92  Excl. VAT

What is FISH!?

FISH! is a method and a series of tools that help the leader present a new culture. It can be a new culture of collaboration. A new culture of service. A new leadership culture.

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