DIY training in valuebased leadership: Its A Way Not A Day

€ 666.90  Excl. VAT

Live your values

Its A Way Not A Day. 22 minutes. Leaders Guide 38 pages.

Liven up your values
Visit the company that has 98% customer satisfaction and 97% employee retention. They are successful because they have developed a methodology, so their values ​​are always in focus when they do what they do. Effective companies don't just write down their values ​​on a piece of paper. They live their values. Here's how.

But first: What exactly is a value?
A value is defined as a principle, a philosophy, a beacon that guides our thoughts, decisions and actions. A value is really a choice. You appreciate certain types of behavior enough to choose them over the behavior you would have otherwise chosen randomly. These moment choices determines how good you are to reach your long term goals. If you have difficulty in reaching a vision or a mission, you must first be certain that you live your values. Every employee, every team has their values, whether they are formulated or not. Your behavior shows your true values. But if you do not identify and focus on what you want to guide you, behavior pops up as a coincidence and sporadically. The effective approach is to identify the values ​​that assist you to meet your goals and then make them a part of everything you do.

Watch how the company in the film puts life into their values ​​by:

Proclaiming their values
When you tell your customers what you stand for they expect IT from you and you expect IT yourself. This improves your performance and makes you better to be the one you want to be.

The dictionary defines 'proclamation' as an official, public announcement or presentation. You raise the big banner. And you can not leave it again. A proclamation also creates expectations. If your actions do not match what you say, you risk being seen as the boy who cried 'wolf'. If your actions match you will be known as trustworthy and reliable. The real power of a proclamation comes, however, not from external sources. It comes from within. Inside of each employee. When the CEO Lauri Tanner goes through the corridors and see the banners, so she asks herself: 'AM I this today?' A proclamation calls you back to the one you want to be, especially in situations where the working day pressure tempts you to be someone else.

Living their values
Your effective team is insistent about your values. The values ​​guide you to behavior that is in line with your mission, and guide you while away from behavior that is not in line with the mission.

Celebrating their values
When you celebrate that you live your values ​​everyone will experience the feeling of being appreciated. It promises commitment.

To the life of your values
No matter what industry your company is in, this material with film and leaders guide will liven up your values ​​with greater firmness and commitment. Show the film to your employees. Then talk about the best scene of the film. What did you like the best? What do we do already here? In what ways do the values ​​in the film help the company to achieve its objectives?

Now start proclaiming, living it and celebrating it
Start by pulling your values ​​out of the binder and put it on the wall. Tell about them far and wide. Arrange your ways to proclaim them. Arrange your ways to live your values. And agree how to celebrate them.

The value of using 'It's A Way Not A Day' 
Managers and employees are improving their relationships.
The teamwork and the morale will improve.
You will have more loyal customers.


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