0 reviews

A feelings talk: EMOJI Cards are a colourful set of 54 cards which portray a range of emotions from happy, sad, angry and confused. A useful tool for processing or to help people explain which feelings that host amounts of positive energy.

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 10 %

€ 63.66  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Large Group Activities That Work: A collection of the most successful ice-breakers, energizers, interactive games and team events for large groups. Most activities require few (if any) props and are guaranteed to keep 30, 50 or 100s of people active and having fun at the same time.

€ 77.07  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

150+ Outrageously Fun Group Games & Activities using No Equipment: Learn hundreds of interactive group games & activities that people love, are universally appealing & require no props to play. Get 40 BONUS Ready-to-Play program templates and unique QR codes for every activity to access online video tutorials, leadership tips, variations, etc.

€ 63.66  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Here's 530+ DIY exercises You Need To Run Seriously Fun Classrooms & Training Programs.

€ 0.00  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Round & colourful team development: Now your team can coach and acknowledge a team member right on the floor or at the table. Invite a colleague to stand on the star in the middle while the rest of the team forms a circle round the mat. The Team Coaching Mat holds a script with 8 appreciations, 8 confidentiality questions and 8 problem-solving questions. 

Quantity discount on this product

Price from
€ 130.68  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Be a Leader Thumball initiates conversations about what skills good leaders should possess and may possess. At the same time, leaders are given the opportunity to rethink their strengths and development potentials.

Price from
€ 47.58  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Generate valuable team conversations and inspire your participants to build new friendships and relationships. Explore 'common ground' experiences and interests that you share with others. Common Ground Thumball helps to uncover these commonalities.

Price from
€ 47.58  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

The Get Happy at Work Thumball discussion prompts help create a more positive workplace by allowing colleagues to share goals, discuss challenges, and build relationships. Focusing on Positive Emotion, Engagement, Meaning, Accomplishments, and Relationships, the prompts help surface sources of happiness as they draw out individuals' personal qualities, work challenges, professional goals, and organizational dynamics.

Price from
€ 47.58  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

The Building Bridges Thumball focuses on issues of trust. Discuss factors that contribute to the development of trust, and building trusting relationships in the process. Simply toss the ball and ask the recipient to share a reaction to whatever prompt lies under their thumb. Thumballs are soft-sided 6" stuffed balls. They look like a soccer ball but are soft and safe for indoor use.

Price from
€ 47.58  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

With the Stress Management Thumball, explore the causes of stress and various ways to manage its impact. Teams can discuss what affects their stress level, how they can help each other out, how they can better manage their own approach to stress, and more.

Price from
€ 47.58  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

1 hour workshop about involving and activating your group: Try 4 tools in 60 minutes with your management team or with your own team. The focus will be on dialogue introducing the tools Thumball, picture cards, dialogue cards and The Team Coaching Carpet. Michael Meinhardt will lead and facilitate the workshop and guide you and your team through various methods. Everyone will be involved.

€ 666.80  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Boost your Friday meeting with the right pep talk words. The recipe is easy and quick. Order. Download. And then you have the recipe. With this ‘generator’ you have 15,625 different options for preludes.

€ 10.05  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Fun and serious: 6 multi coloured Coaching Cubes that supports any coaching process from beginning to end. The cubes will ease self-coaching, they will make participants relax into the process, they will promote ownership of the process, they will support peer coaching or coaching skills training, they will get a session moving again and they will make sure you avoid ‘Why don’t you ... ?’ and ‘Yes, but-conversations.'

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 8 %

€ 77.07  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Here is the original and world famous Colourblind ® activity. The task is that the blindfolded participants are asked to describe abstract shapes in their hand to work out as a team which two pieces that is missing in the big puzzle. This requires active listening and questioning as well as problem solving and team management to reach agreement.

€ 398.74  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Learn to master Small talk at work. In fact, it is a vital part of the working life. Team Small Talk enables us to find common ground and common interests. It improves active listening skills. It removes social discomfort and it improves spontaneity.

€ 1,336.95  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Challenge your teams assumptions with this puzzle: The exercise lasts between 10 and 20 minutes and is an ideal way of raising the awareness of a group of learners about the preconceptions and assumptions we bring into new situations.

€ 264.71  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

'Simbols' is a powerful new learning tool. Simbols addresses communication skills, team planning and implementation, process improvement and team leadership in a lively, although at times frustrating, way. Simbols works well with groups of between 5 and 15 people and lasts 45 minutes.

€ 492.56  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Give creativity and talkativeness full throttle: Cartoon picture cards, which all express organizational and business situations, give the start-up, the icebreaker and the rounding-off activity at your meeting and training course an inspiring edge. 

€ 144.08  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Place the MEETING JOKER in the middle of your meeting table, so that everybody always have the opportunity to 'invite' the JOKER into your meeting. Everyone can now express their views, ideas and input - completely free of prejudice. The MEETING JOKER is so full of JOKERS.

€ 486.02  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Free workshop in how to use tools that motivate, stimulate, encourage and involve. All workshops are held outdoors with a great sea view in Humlebæk. Parking is free. Coffee and tea is served along the way.

€ 0.00  Excl. VAT