CONFLICTS Communication Cards

€ 33.51  Excl. VAT
  • Buy 2 and more for € 29.49 for each
  • Buy 5 and more for € 28.15 for each

Conversation game about conflicts

51 statements about conflicts. Leaders guide is included. The game has been produced by Berit Zehngraff.

The game will help you to spot the conflicts beforehand.
The game allows everyone to grasp some basic attitudes.
The game is suitable for reading aloud to the whole group.
The game can be used for pairs and larger groups.
The game can be used again and again and again.

The statements are simple and will grab hold of some basic assumptions that exist about conflicts. By reading the statements out loud in a group, it will help you and your team to get a nuanced dialogue on the concept of conflicts. 

The game can be used for conversations and for your own reflection. The statements can also be used prior to a mediation. The parties can relate to statements and will be tracked in on the mediation. Select 5 to 10 cards that you want to focus on.

Use this game when you want good, wholesome and fresh relationships. The game is not suitable as an isolated tool for solving personal conflicts. It is however suitable for supervision and coaching of both groups and individuals with external help.


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