The Networking Suitcase full of DIY exercises and tools

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The Networking Coordinator Suitcase

Choose the games and tools that you think will fit the best in your work with networking-participants, at departmental meetings, in groups, on courses in management groups. These tools represent one half of the suitcase. The other half is you learning relevant and efficient methods that make the tools even more useful. The price of the suitcase depends on what you want to put into it. The price includes 2 hours of training in the use of the tools.

Feel free to pick the tool you need. Put just what you need in your suitcase. Based on your needs, we can advise and guide you in your selection. Then we calculate and submit the price. On top of this we add DKK 600 for the metal suitcase. For free you will receive 2 hours of training in methods and exercises that you can use with the tools.

The tools can be used for:

DEBRIEFING: Conversation in which one or more people tell about experiences they have been through. What have we or I done? How did it go?

SIDE-BY-SIDE-SHARING: Two persons: Lets talk about the topic at hand. What does it mean to you and me, our colleagues, the company, the clients, the owners?

REFLECTION: This is how I feel about it. I feel, I think, I suppose, I believe.

WHAT-DO-WE-THINK: Lets hear some viewpoints. How much? How often? Where to?

REVIEWING: Reviewing is learning from experience - or enabling others to do so. Reviewing helps you get more from work, life and recreation - especially if you have the reviewing skills to match your ambitions.

FEEDBACK AND FEEDFORWARD: Information from the past. Told in the present. For use in the future.

APPRECIATION: Say it when you see it: Without you it will not work.


  • € 36.35  Excl. VAT
  • Price from
    € 66.89  Excl. VAT
  • € 39.57  Excl. VAT
  • Hot
    € 50.27  Excl. VAT

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