A blog about leadership: How to create workjoy in a Kindergarten

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The team graded 12 in FISH!

Written praise on the back: Stolpegård Kindergarten is a delightful experience of the very rare. Marie, Maria, Mette, Maj, Michelle and Tina are a unique team that gets 12 in written and practical FISH!

It started as a regular workshop with a short welcome, a short exercise where the participants tried out talking to each other in a new way with some dialogue cards in hand. Then I told about The World Famous Pike Place Fish and the way the 12 employees work together.

Then we saw the joyful FISH! film and afterwards each one found out which scene she liked. We did it because it's furiously interesting to find out what one likes. The film does not need to be reviewed. The film's individual scenes or sequences should not be criticized. But the scene the individual thinks is good must be highlighted. The scene you like is also what you like to give to colleagues and customers. And at the same time it is what you like to receive from colleagues and customers. So: What lies behind the scene you like is = what you stand for. We call it one's IT. So we were quietly finding it.

But first, it makes sense to try the four principles of the fishmongers. It usually happens during fuss and laughter and aha. For it should not be boring to try BE THERE, PLAY, MAKE THEIR DAY and CHOOSE YOUR ATTITUDE.

Then we returned to 'your IT'. Marie, Maria, Mette, Maj, Michelle and Tina were really good at finding their IT. They wrote their IT down so they could start using them in the future.

Eventually I threw a toyfish to Maj, who is the boss of it all. The idea is that the external energy now is planted in Stolpegård Kindergarten. And now the team has to start formulating their version of FISH! and then keep it alive.

Thank you for some wonderful hours and good luck in the future!

Written by Michael Meinhardt, LEADERS WAREHOUSE.


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