Secrets, news and inspiration for easy management

Michael Meinhardt's blog about management is an inspiring platform that brings together practical advice, innovative ideas and personal reflections about the inviting leader who also wants to be a facilitator.

The blog shares new secrets within management that can make everyday life easier and more effective for both the leader themselves and their team. With a focus on finding the balance between structure and flexibility, Michael Meinhardt's blog creates a space where readers can explore the challenges and opportunities of management.

Secrets and inspiration for easy management

Michael Meinhardt highlights tools and methods that can make even complex management tasks more manageable. From practical tips for conflict management to strategies for strengthening team well-being, the blog provides its readers with concrete solutions that can be implemented directly in their own work. Michael Meinhardt's approach is honest and relatable – it's not just about theory, but also about practical adjustments that make a big difference.

How a blog can be used in a team and in groups of leaders

Michael Meinhardt's blog can serve as a discussion tool in a team or leadership group. By sharing specific blog posts, leadership groups can open up dialogue on topics such as motivation, communication and facilitation. The blog post can be a common frame of reference that inspires reflection and the exchange of ideas.

Michael Meinhardt's blog is thus not only a resource for individual growth, but also a tool for promoting collaboration and development in leadership groups and teams. It is a reminder that leadership does not have to be lonely - it is a shared journey filled with opportunities and learning.

Michael Meinhardt also has an external BLOG with even more tips, tricks and ideas.

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I meet colleagues, family members and acquaintances every day, who shrillly and confidently advise me to vote for another political party, subscribe to another newspaper or vote YES in a referendum.

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+45 71 92 55 63

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The FISH! philosophy is not yet another task that teachers have to perform as well. FISH! is about the way we do what we already do. FISH! is an invitation.

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+45 71 92 55 63

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Play and humor relieve stress, turn on creativity, boost analytical skills and increase collaboration skills. This is about how we introduce more play and humor at work.

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+45 71 92 55 63

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Studies show that eLEARNING typically takes between 40% and 60% less time than when learning the same thing in a traditional classroom.

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+45 71 92 55 63

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'The way we talk about our work creates our thoughts and actions at work.'

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+45 71 92 55 63

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You are the leader of your team. One day you have to tell them all something new. You have long known what it is you need to start telling them. You have known the information for several days. But now you are facing them. You are good at communicating. In a few minutes, they have all received the message. Then they know that this is how the country is. That can not be changed.

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+45 71 92 55 63

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A meeting is a chain of appropriate disturbances among people involved that shapes results and creates value.

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+45 71 92 55 63

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Your chair is brand new. You will refer directly to me. I'm the CEO of the company. You will be tasked with managing the commitment in our company. By that I mean that all managers and all employees are interested in their jobs and are committed to doing it. Your title will be 'Head of Motivation'.

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+45 71 92 55 63

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BREAKING NEWS: The company must earn its job satisfaction. One cannot implement job satisfaction. Job satisfaction cannot be enforced. One can not decide that we should now be happy at work. But what can you do then? Learn these 7 steps.

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+45 71 92 55 63

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Stolpegård Kindergarten is a delightful experience of the very rare. Marie, Maria, Mette, Maj, Michelle and Tina are a unique team that receives grade 12 in written and practical FISH!

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+45 71 92 55 63

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There are several things that must be present for all employees to be engaged (which means interested and committed in the work and the tasks). If employees are not interested and committed, then they are uninvolved. And this means that employees receive wages and benefits and at the same time perform their work without interest and obligation.

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+45 71 92 55 63

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At the meeting, you have reached an item on the agenda where it is valuable for the participants to air their opinion, their point of view, their approach or perception.

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+45 71 92 55 63

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Three is a group and a group is a novelty. Now there are 2 more appealing. And 3 more. Now we have momentum. Now we have a movement!

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+45 71 92 55 63

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If you think in the direction of learning, experimenting or interaction, then it makes sense. Wherever creativity flourishes, play is in progress. We all learn as we did when we were kids - by playing with ideas. We learn by ignoring the idea that we are limited. We open our eyes.

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+45 71 92 55 63

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'You have to choose where you want to be as soon as you get out of bed in the morning,' says Bear, one of the fishmongers at Pike Place Fish. 'I make a conscious choice every day.'

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+45 71 92 55 63

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Going to work and taking an interest in numbers, columns, stock lists, weekly meetings, colleagues and summer seminars is something the manager needs to initiate and maintain. Here you can read something very inspiring about motivation.

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+45 71 92 55 63

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MAKE THEIR DAY start by focusing on one person. This is how the fishmongers at World Famous Pike Place Fish do. They do not only sell fish. They make the world a better place to be - through one person at a time.

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+45 71 92 55 63

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'As a leader, you are infectious. The question is: Will the employees seize what you have?' Rob Gregory, Rochester Ford

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+45 71 92 55 63

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How to remove apathy, anxiety and stress in your team and re-introduce 'engagement'.

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+45 71 92 55 63

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Every single employee knows the principles and works consciously with them in everyday life. We train intensively both individually and together. We have super support from each other. The relatives, our partners and ourselves have the time … so it is quite certain that we will reach our goal and become world champions.

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+45 71 92 55 63



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