Infinite QUESTIONS and APPRECIATIONS - DIY methods and cards

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Never let your team be desoriented: Use 'Infinite QUESTIONS'

When you hear 'discords' in your team, it is time to talk to them and it is time they talk to each other. Do not think that noises will disappear automatically. It's your job as their leader to ensure that they are still with you and will follow. Give them the opportunity to orientate themselves and understand and learn.

When you order you will receive a free peptalk generator in your confirmation. Download it and print on demand. 

When do they need to orientate themselves?
When they are disoriented (about the new budget, the new system, the new structure, the new culture).
When they are going to be confidential with new challenges (more or fewer colleagues, other and new tasks).
When you and your team need to find and choose new behaviors, new actions and new solutions.
When everyone must know one another and get a better understanding of each other.

Use the 'Infinite QUESTIONS and APPRECIATIONS' when you and your team want to
Know each other better: You achieve more together when you know each other well.
Be developed together: You're a strong team when you are good at helping each other to constantly improve.
Learn to appreciate one another: Then you know when and how to meet each other's expectations.

The 'Infinite QUESTIONS' are totally endless
Your team must complete the questions and appreciations, so they become most relevant to the relationship and the situation (where there are dots they need to put in words). 'Infinites' can be used in a myriad of ways. We provide you with 27 playing methods - ways to use the games.


The YELLOW game contains the Infinite BRIEF questions: Smalltalk and icebreaker questions.
The ORANGE game contains the Infinite KNOW ME questions: Getting to know each other questions.
The PURPLE game contains the Infinite INTENSE questions: Coaching and intense issues.
The GREEN bonus game contains the Infinite APPRECIATIONS: Half sentences meant for praise, recognition and appreciation.


Infinite QUESTIONS: 3 X 40 round beermats (ø 10 cm). Each card contains 1 Infinite QUESTION (in English and in Danish) As a bonus you get 40 green beermats with Infinite APPRECIATIONS (also in English and Danish). Once you have ordered this game you will automatically receive a leaders guide containing 27 playing methods.

Two methods that works:

First method: Facts, Feelings, Findings and Future
Mark 4 places in your meeting room with the colors of playing cards: Diamonds, hearts, spades and clubs. Diamonds represent facts. Hearts represent feelings. Spade represent findings. And Clubs represents the future. Allow your team to have conversations with selected Infinite QUESTIONS. Repeat the exercise with a new partner and new questions. Remember to collect participants reactions and discoveries.

Second method: 3 we do and one I do
In the light of the discussions you have had based on your situation and the selected Infinite QUESTIONS time has come to take action. Ask your team to sit in groups of 3 around one A4 sheet with one big circle and three smaller circles, covering a little over one another. In the large circle, participants now make a note of three things they will do. In the small circles each one make a note of one thing she or he will do.



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