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The Get Happy at Work Thumball discussion prompts help create a more positive workplace by allowing colleagues to share goals, discuss challenges, and build relationships. Focusing on Positive Emotion, Engagement, Meaning, Accomplishments, and Relationships, the prompts help surface sources of happiness as they draw out individuals' personal qualities, work challenges, professional goals, and organizational dynamics.

Price from
€ 47.60  Excl. VAT
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The Building Bridges Thumball focuses on issues of trust. Discuss factors that contribute to the development of trust, and building trusting relationships in the process. Simply toss the ball and ask the recipient to share a reaction to whatever prompt lies under their thumb. Thumballs are soft-sided 6" stuffed balls. They look like a soccer ball but are soft and safe for indoor use.

Price from
€ 47.60  Excl. VAT
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All FISH! tools and courses in one place: the involvement can begin. Create a new service culture, a new team spirit, a new management culture, a new job energy. But first - commit to the vision. The leader is first.

Price from
€ 0.47  Excl. VAT