BOOST active workshop for leaders

€ 1,983.79  Excl. VAT

BOOST workshop is more practical and less theoretical

This workshop is designed for teamleders and projectleaders with a deep wish of releasing the commitment of their employees.

BOOST is a motivating leadership-technique, that affects a desired commitment from all employees facing a job. 

This technique is developed by two dedicated motivational trainers Mette Berner and Michael Meinhardt. The workshop is full of exercises, dialogue, test, filmclips and activities. In total 100 activities in this 4 day workshop. Everything is designed so all techniques can be used by the individual leader. 

This is what the BOOST workshop contains of, day by day: 

BOOST workshop (open course):
Price per participant DKK 14.800 VAT not included.
Catering is included all 4 days.
An inspirational toolbox with practical tools is also included.  
Size of workshop: 4 to 8 participants.
The workshop will be held at Frydenlund, 30 C, Frydenlundsvej, DK 2950 Vedbæk.


Workshop day 1 is uniting us as a group

On the first day we are working with motivation and commitment. We will go through different ways of leadership styles and how they affect employees. 

We also work with how the leader can be an invitation and what it covers. We end up with an eye opener for most leaders - how to syncronize people. This is the first important step towards building a unit. 

After this first workshop day we will have a very fine confindence and confidentiality to one another. 

Day 1 in headlines:

  • What is motivation and commitment and what is the value?
  • The leader is an invitation.
  • How to syncronize your group.

Workshop day 2 will be a challenge

But in a fun and relaxing way. The focus will be the courage to stand up in front of your employees and say the right, meaningfull words to the group. 

We are alos working with the permission everyone has to ask all types of question. We will have a closer look at the reactions of the leader. Respect is the code. Employees are worrying and have suggestions. All balanced into your role as a leader. 

We are also going to work with an effective model for how to inviting everybody to help one another.

We will finish the day by entering the subject of recognition. We will practice praise, recognition and appraisal and will experience how great it is and how great it works.

Day 2 in headlines:

  • The leader peptalk.
  • The friendly reactions of the leader.
  • The recipe of 'help'.
  • Praise to everyone, about everyone, from everyone.

Workshop day 3 is time to sum up

On the third day of the workshop we are working with the topic of 'rounding up'. 

We will use Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II newyears speech as an example. We will work with this speech as a model. Out of this we are all able to deisign our own 'newyears speeches' as a round up on the last 3 days. 

We are alos going to look ahead to the weekdays you are going back to. Now it's time to record and help each other summing up all the best we have learned.

Day 3 in headlines:

  • Leader sum up.
  • Reviewing.
  • The plan of the leader - next 14 days.

Workshop day 4 will help you for the future

The fourth day of the workshop will take palce 2 weeks after the third day. You have been back at work with your own team and you have seen things happen. We are sharing how it was, what has happened, what was easy and what was less easy.

We will have a closer look at commitment in a bigger sence. We will work with a couple of cases. In this way it becomes easy to spot opportunities for an active approach towards employee commitment.

We will assist each other with a plan for motivation. Before we round up day 4 we agree how we will be able to help one another in the time to come. What is possible? How? When? We open up a Facebook group for those interested. When the workshop is over you will have a handfull of friends that has been on the same journey as you. You know one another really well within the area of leadership. And in the months and years to come you will have a group to reach out to, whenever you have a need.

Day 4 in headlines:

  • What have we learned 'back home'.
  • Commitment in the future.
  • Keep it alive.


This BOOST workshop is more YOU and less theory. It is active learning for unity, commitment and involvement. 


  • Price from
    € 616.58  Excl. VAT

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