FISH! nameplate and praise on back DIY exercise

€ 0.47  Excl. VAT
  • Buy 2 and more for € 0.44 for each
  • Buy 5 and more for € 0.40 for each

And then there's praise on your back

FISH! nameplate: Cardboard in size 16 x 25 cm with a seam. The front is in full colour and the back is blank.

The inviting nameplate with lots of possibilities:

Whats the name of the teamplayer?
Hand out one nameplate to all teammembers. The nameplate can be used for several different things. Ask your team to write their name on one fish. Ask them then to select and record an attitude in front of the name, an attitude that can be used today, such as 'Merry Mary' or 'Loving Kenneth'.

Use it as a notebook
Use the back of the nameplate as a notebook. The back is blank and ready to hold your great ideas and thoughtful notes. The nameplate can be folded as a small book. You can even stitch multiple cards together, so you have a notebook with multiple pages. When you have finished making notes, you can add the headline of FISH! in the free fisk. This is how you can review your notes and make them even more meaningful. You can also ask a colleague to assist you with your headline.

Send a postcard
FISH! bordkortet/nameplate

Cut the nameplate in two. Now you have 2 postcards. You can add lines. Write your message in the fish on the front of the postcard. Put a    stamp on it and put it in the mailbox. You can invite to your next FISH! workshop. You can acknowledge or just send a happy greeting. This idea we have received from Tudi Larsen, Copenhagen.

Praise, recognition and appreciation 













The back of the nameplate can also be used for the exercise 'Praise on Back'. Watch this picture and get inspired on how the exercise is carried out. Check out the description of the exercise on page 64 of the FISH! film guide.


  • € 17.05  Excl. VAT
  • Price from
    € 0.47  Excl. VAT
  • € 103.88  Excl. VAT
  • Price from
    € 47.58  Excl. VAT
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