Workshop: Active learning for the team that is so full of Appreciation

€ 1,739.17  Excl. VAT

Active learning with 19 recognition exercises

All participants will experience 

  • talking about appreciation (what is it?)
  • reflecting on appreciation (what does it mean to get and give?)
  • giving and receiving appreciation (a buffet of different methods and ways).
  • Cheeks becoming warm. The eyes become moist. The windows fog up.

Try 19 ways to recognize colleagues. Recognition makes one happy - both the giver and the receiver. The entire team goes through 19 active exercises, after which they are handed over to one of the colleagues, who is tasked with being ready when the exercise is to be used again – in a variant or unchanged.

The exercises take place over 3 hours in one go or with 1 hour once every 3 weeks. The price is incl. tools.

  1. The fishmonger round (rounding up a meeting)
  2. Praise on back (3 min. with cards and pens)
  3. Green cards on string (infinite appreciations)
  4. Throw balls in a group with a name to and from (1 ball path, then many balls in the same path)
  5. Three about us and one about me (draw 1 big circle and small circles that cover in)
  6. This made me happy (tell 3 things in pairs that made you happy)
  7. Write a Thank You postcard to 3 colleagues 
  8. Brief encounters with icebreaker questions (many meetings in 1 minute)
  9. 1-2-3 (game where you learn to help each other)
  10. Think of 2 important colleagues and keep the same distance (everyone is connected)
  11. Person bingo (get full record on 'Who knows this...?)
  12. First guess 5 and then guess 10 new changes
  13. Thumball (Team Dynamics: throw the ball, catch the ball and read under the thumb)
  14. Team Coaching Mat (1 person receives appreciation and coaching)
  15. Measure with rope (measure and talk about an important topic)
  16. Speed ​​dating (2 circles when you have to talk about quickly)
  17. Our relationships with 'We connect cards'
  18. Our engagement with 'We engage cards'
  19. I appreciate your way of … (with picture cards)


As a rounding off: 'I have learned to ... so now I want to ...' and 'We have learned to ... so now we want to ...'


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