0 reviews

Comes with a FREE DVD player for computer: This is how you lead with a strong intention and consequence.

Price from
€ 63.67  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Comes with a FREE DVD player for computer: If managers wants to benefit from a playful environment filled with trust and respect, they must first learn how to create it.

Price from
€ 63.67  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Make sure all your participants have a copy in hand of The FISH! Playbook. Allow them to prepare for FISH! Could we have as much fun as the fishmongers at Pike Place Fish?

€ 8.04  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Four practices for worklife and life. Put it on the wall. The poster contains worklife-important values that must be proclaimed and talked about.

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 5 %

€ 10.59  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Throw a fish and watch how smiles spread. Pete the Perch is available in 4 colour combinations. We call them Pete and they are all related to the perch.

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 25 %

€ 17.05  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Make change stick. A remarkable way to adapt to changing times and keep your work fresh: Find IT. Live IT. Coach IT.

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 4 %

€ 31.63  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

This film is no. 2 in the series about the world famous fishmongers. In the first film captured the energy, releasing potential. In this film, it is all about keeping alive the change and the vision. Watch how Pike Place Fish fishmongers do. Comes with a FREE DVD player for computer.

Price from
€ 77.07  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Study the culture of other companies. Dig deep and decide what should be a part of your culture. Watch what FISH! looks like with your neighbor and in your industry. Comes with a FREE DVD player for computer.

€ 264.73  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Save time and get a myriad of proven FISH! techniques served on a 'silver plate' with exercises, stories and methods. On the included films you can watch experienced FISH! facilitators in front of live audiences.

€ 398.77  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Choose the attitude that will help you the most in a situation and in a relationship. Mount this banner where everybody in your team is able to se it. Choose one of 50 different attitudes.

Price from
€ 29.49  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Play the game of UPTION grow: What does your job mean to you? Who is your best co-worker? What is the secret behind commitment?

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 15 %

€ 39.57  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Use this A4 sheets when you and your team wish to praise, recognize and appreciate each other. Fasten the handout close to your shoulder and get started. It takes three minutes at your next meeting. But it will last for a week.

€ 10.05  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Praise, acknowledge and recognize your colleagues in writing. But first you have to cut out a fish and catch your colleagues doing something right.

€ 10.05  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Create or renovate your company culture: FISH! catches your culture og releases the potential. Fun and serious. Create a good start and then stick to it. Use FISH! to focus on your service-culture, your teamwork, your leadership-culture and your overall company-culture.

Price from
€ 0.47  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Everyone knows what Speed Dating is. Only a few have tried it - interesting: Talk to as many different people in the shortest possible time.

€ 10.05  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Did FISH! run out into the sand? Do you need a FISH! refresher and rediscovery? New employees have probably arrived. The business has also changed a bit. Colaboration has evolved in new directions. Time has passed since everyone last heard about FISH! Its time for 'Refresh FISH!

€ 1,337.05  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

A positive vision for the future is the strongest renewal motivator, you and your employees can get.

€ 1,739.17  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Use these 8 conversation tools, when your students need reflection, reviewing, play and energy the most.

€ 224.52  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

You have just stepped up as a leader. Now you need a FISH! starter pack so you are ready for your team.

€ 1,277.27  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

A feelings talk: EMOJI Cards are a colourful set of 54 cards which portray a range of emotions from happy, sad, angry and confused. A useful tool for processing or to help people explain which feelings that host amounts of positive energy.

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 10 %

€ 63.67  Excl. VAT

What is FISH!?

FISH! is a method and a series of tools that help the leader present a new culture. It can be a new culture of collaboration. A new culture of service. A new leadership culture.

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