FISH! film: present the topic, show the film, try out the 4 practices and agree your 'plan' with world famous fishmongers from Pike Place Fish. Here are the most necessary DIY tools for your internal culture change

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€ 0.47  Excl. VAT

Catch the energy and release the potential with FISH!

Agree the company culture you wish with iconic FISH!

Energy with FISH!
If a group of fishmongers can do this - you can do it too. See how the fishmongers make customers happy and how they play. See and hear what 'being there' means to them and what it means to choose their attitude. Their everyday life is about working and earning money. The fishmongers have chosen to play while they work. FISH! gives hope to all of us with its practical practises and tools.

FISH! is the antidote
FISH! has been called an antidote to cynicism, depression, burnout and anger. FISH! incites leadership, great teamwork, employee retention, job satisfaction, creativity, exceptional customer service, quality improvement, change, renewal, etc.

Create your own workplace
FISH! is a source of inspiration for anyone who likes to experience more job satisfaction, recognition and enthusiasm. It is for the employee group, the management, the team and the individual. Test your workplace culture in 5 minutes for free right here

FISH! is an invitation
With FISH! the leader can invite the entire company into a process that leads everybode to your new or your renovated company culture. 

Preview FISH! 
Refresh the four FISH! practices. Follow this link, register and enjoy a company culture that can be yours: 

Free preview of FISH! film


Order FISH! in one of these new subscriptions: 


The eBOOK offers every leader and trainer lots of ideas for using FISH! - the start-up, the presentations and the maintenance. The eBOOK is full of stories, proposals, active exercises, test and conversations.

eBOOK FISH! workbook
The eBOOK inspires your employee to the practices of FISH!: PLAY, MAKE THEIR DAY, CHOOSE YOUR ATTITUDE and BE THERE. The eBOOK is a must when everyone on your team will work on their own ideas, single handed or with one or more teammates.

Order a USB or a DVD with the FISH! film
Be ready to show the FISH! film. Ready to play on a USB Flash Drive or a DVD.

FISH! language versions
Choose your FISH! film language version: English, Danish, Finnish, French, Japanese, Corean, Mandarin, Norwegian, Portugese, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and German.




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