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Any company has its culture with a dictionary, a language, values, ways to work together. But is it the culture you want? Or do you wish something else?

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+45 71 92 55 63

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Promote Thank you, Feedback and Acknowledgement in one go with FISH! thank-you-cards. Download and print. In addition you get FISH! bookmarks - also ready for printing.

€ 10.05  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

This comprehensive bundle combines the FISH! ingredients to energize your culture long-term - an exciting FISH! introduction, continuing conversations to keep the momentum alive and a development course to help leaders to strengthen relationships and trust. 

€ 1,940.37  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Enjoy these 2 cool FISH! books and receive a cute and relevant bookmark on top.

€ 57.91  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Three is a group and a group is a novelty. Now there are 2 more appealing. And 3 more. Now we have momentum. Now we have a movement!

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+45 71 92 55 63

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Going to work and taking an interest in numbers, columns, stock lists, weekly meetings, colleagues and summer seminars is something the manager needs to initiate and maintain. Here you can read something very inspiring about motivation.

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+45 71 92 55 63

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'As a leader, you are infectious. The question is: Will the employees seize what you have?' Rob Gregory, Rochester Ford

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+45 71 92 55 63

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Every single employee knows the principles and works consciously with them in everyday life. We train intensively both individually and together. We have super support from each other. The relatives, our partners and ourselves have the time … so it is quite certain that we will reach our goal and become world champions.

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+45 71 92 55 63

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If you think in the direction of learning, experimenting or interaction, then it makes sense. Wherever creativity flourishes, play is in progress. We all learn as we did when we were kids - by playing with ideas. We learn by ignoring the idea that we are limited - we open our eyes.

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+45 71 92 55 63

0 reviews

Create an active review: Print the rope and hand it out to your team. Now you and your team can review any topic that might have interest. This leads to understanding and acceptance and orientation. 

€ 10.05  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Have a closer look at the mood of your company. How great is it and how great do you want it to be?

€ 10.05  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Forget about the wine and the chocolate. Here's the hit for the jubilee, the anniversary, the newly appointed, the newly wedded. The gift is full of tips, how-to and tricks for development. A gift card is even included.

Price from
€ 67.03  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Your most important management tool is not power, your achievements, your experience or your charisma. You are your own most important tool. You are the example. Comes with a FREE DVD player for computer.


Price from
€ 542.90  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Comes with a FREE DVD player for computer: The key to BE THERE is that employees do not need you as a manager 100% of the time. But when they need you, they need you to BE THERE first and foremost.

Price from
€ 63.67  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

As a leader don't use power, achievements, experience or charisma. Breaking news for all managers: Your main management tool is your own example. Comes with a FREE DVD player for computer.

Price from
€ 63.67  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Comes with a FREE DVD player for computer: Choose your attitude and help your employees to choose their attitutude.

Price from
€ 63.67  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Comes with a FREE DVD player for computer: One of the best ways to recognize employees is to say THANK YOU, recognize what they do and give them a 'voice'. Recognition and appreciation are fuel for the team and the commitment.

Price from
€ 63.67  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Comes with a FREE DVD player for computer: This is how you lead with a strong intention and consequence.

Price from
€ 63.67  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Comes with a FREE DVD player for computer: If managers wants to benefit from a playful environment filled with trust and respect, they must first learn how to create it.

Price from
€ 63.67  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Four practices for worklife and life. Put it on the wall. The poster contains worklife-important values that must be proclaimed and talked about.

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 5 %

€ 10.59  Excl. VAT

What is FISH!?

FISH! is a method and a series of tools that help the leader present a new culture. It can be a new culture of collaboration. A new culture of service. A new leadership culture.


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