0 reviews

Asking and answering questions helps build rapport, camaraderie, and understanding. Sharing information builds relationships and fosters trust. The What Makes You YOU? Thumball is loaded with 32 'what?' questions to help players learn more about the people around them and dig a little deeper than typical, superficial icebreakers questions.

Price from
€ 47.60  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

The Building Bridges Thumball focuses on issues of trust. Discuss factors that contribute to the development of trust, and building trusting relationships in the process. Simply toss the ball and ask the recipient to share a reaction to whatever prompt lies under their thumb. Thumballs are soft-sided 6" stuffed balls. They look like a soccer ball but are soft and safe for indoor use.

Price from
€ 47.60  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Which Are You Thumball requires participants to choose between two opposing characteristics or preferences. It is relatively easy to choose one extreme or the other. Whether it's easy or difficult, encourage your participants to explain where they stand on a scale and why.

Price from
€ 47.60  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

What we like says a lot about us. Favorits Thumball provides 32 questions, specially selected to help you and your group explore your favorite people, favorite places, favorite things, favorite experiences, favorite preferences. Talking about favorites is a great way to start conversations and build relationships.

Price from
€ 47.60  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

All FISH! tools and courses in one place: the involvement can begin. Create a new service culture, a new team spirit, a new management culture, a new job energy. But first - commit to the vision. The leader is first.

Price from
€ 0.47  Excl. VAT